Saturday, December 11, 2010

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Rakta Charitra2 - My Take

This post is subject to change as i might come up with many interesting points i am going to notice during each time i am going to watch this movie from now.

RC2 is a two men show with the two men being varma and surya.The best points i ve noticed in the movie.

1)Varma's tact in dealing the two characters in the balanced manner.A coherent justification for each and every act of the two opponents.
2)Suryas exceptional fluency in acting during the 2 scenes i.e one during the TV blast scene wherin suryas expressions signify the unfathomable outrage created by the blast and the second while he returns after assasinating pratap,The presentation of rapid transition in the emotions between ecstacy of having quenched his vengeance and guilt of killing a human being on his face was just inexplicable.
3)Varma is successful in making his point very clear that RC is just the presentation of his perspective of those consequences which caused two individuals to get in to an endless and outrageous feud.

The only shortcoming i noticed is RC1 and RC2 could have been made as a single movie.But all in all Rakta Charitra on the whole is a power-packed high voltage drama indian cinema has ever witnessed.